有田花Arita Hana
Mail marty.piano.school@gmail.com
Supported by marty
バレエ・ダンスのマーティの音楽教室、マーティ・ピアノスクールです。国際的な文化芸術体験を大切に。子供や幼児・園児の習い事、音楽教育、音感やリズム感のトレーニング、大人の趣味に最適。バレエ教室併設、バレエ・ダンスのマーティのピアノ教室です。幼児・キッズの子供スクール、初心者入門者から上級者、ソルフェージュ、 バレエピアニスト育成クラス、コンクール指導・音大受験、などクラスやコースが豊富。本格的なクラシックから、アニメ、ゲーム音楽、ポップスまで、自分の弾きたい曲で楽しくレッスン。高品質なレッスン、リーズナブルでわかりやすい料金体系、振替対応、月謝、チケット、オープンクラスなど通い方を選べます。JR田町駅、都営三田駅、赤羽橋駅からすぐ。麻布・芝・白金・高輪・芝浦地域からも通えます。発表会、季節イベント、地域イベント、発表の機会が沢山。ピアノレンタル練習、個人・プライべート指導あり。国内名門音大、海外経験・留学経験豊富な講師。幼児、幼稚園、保育園、インターナショナルスクール生も在籍。いつから始めても大丈夫。クラシック情報満載の本格的に楽しく学べるピアノ教室です。
Marty Music School, a ballet dance Marty music class. Valuing an international cultural and artistic experience. Ideal for children, toddlers and kindergarten lessons, music education, sound and rhythm training, and adult hobbies. Marty's piano class for ballet dance, with a ballet class. There are plenty of classes and courses such as children's schools for toddlers and kids, beginners to advanced players, solfege, ballet pianist training classes, competition guidance and music college entrance exams. From authentic classical music to anime, game music, and pop music, you can enjoy lessons with the songs you want to play. You can choose from high-quality lessons, reasonable and easy-to-understand fee structure, transfer support, monthly fees, tickets, open classes, and more. Immediately from JR Tamachi Station, Toei Mita Station, and Akabanebashi Station. You can also go from Azabu, Shiba, Shirokane, Takanawa, and Shibaura areas. Lots of opportunities for recitals, seasonal events, regional events, and presentations. Piano rental practice, individual and private instruction available. A lecturer with abundant experience in studying abroad and overseas at Kunitachi College of Music. Infants, kindergartens, nursery schools, and international school students are also enrolled. It's okay to start anytime. It is a piano class full of classical information that you can enjoy learning in earnest.
スタジオマーティ 各スタジオについて